Friday, February 24, 2012

IBD Cases - Increasing In Developed Countries - & What Countries Do You Think Have The Highest Rate Of IBD Patients??

This is a good write up about the increased # of IBD patients that are being seen around the globe. Researchers have not yet discovered the reason for the growing rates, however they've noticed a trend geographically.
So the answer to the question... : What countries come out on top for having the largest population of diagnosed people with IBD?
"Something needs to be done. I agree with Rosee that we need more research but also we need to start focusing on new areas of treatment. To focus more on getting better information out there to newly diagnosed patients. This isn’t a problem that can be swept under the rug. It has a potential to cripple government health budgets with cases of IBD raising over the developed countries at new staggering rates. With countries like China & India suddenly having a growing rate in new cases, we need to focus on the differences between developed countries & those of their industrialized counter-parts.
There are theories circulating around developed societies becoming more sterile over time causing new children to be born with weakened immune systems. Other theories state that the ‘Western’ diet is at the core of the problem. <--------------- BAM!! In my opinion, this is the main cause. The "Western" diet is junk - processed, hormone boosted, made with artificial dangerous chemicals, pesticide sprayed.... the list goes on. Can someone tell me WTF a Dorito is? Next time your in a close proximity to a bag of dorito's, just for the hell of it, read the ingredients. LOL you won't be adding this to your cart (unless you have a death wish).
Another theory considered by researchers focuses on vitamin D deficiency due to the lack of sun in countries like Canada & Scandinavia. " The reason that I feel that this is not the culprit (It may certainly have some importance) for the cause of IBD, is because if you look at the weather patterns 50 years ago compared to today, there have not been much fluctuation in the amounts of sunlight to have such an impact on a population.
The area that we know for a fact that has changed for the worse and not for the better is DIET. The way our food is made and what it's made out of . The quality of everything we eat today is much worse than it used to be... HELLLLO, Doctor Blind?????????, maybe this is somewhat of the cause for IBD. Our bodies are not designed to process and metabolize chemically engineered crap. When we do, our bodies reject what we have eaten by manifesting symptoms that say "Ouch !!! I can't break that down " or "What the hell is this stuff... YUCK" - What I'm saying, is that you end up ill. Until doctors start to put some concentration on the importance of diet & IBD, we will forever NOT KNOW what the root cause for IBD is.. PERIOD! When a doctor says "Diet has nothing to do with the disease, it could impact symptoms, but it's not the cause", that's bullshit and i've heard that so many times that it's almost retarded to go along with this theory. DIET HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN CAUSE FOR IBD!
*Vitamin D deficiency is seen a lot and should be supplemented, especially if you live in an area where sunlight is minimal. If you live in a seasonal state, like NY or in a region that has changing weather patterns, during the times that you rarely are outdoors and during dreary seasons, take vitamin D. The majority of people that are deficient, aren't even aware.

Canada & UK top list of countries for inflammatory bowel disease

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that obvious? o.O

    If there's really not more organic food for sell around there at the closest supermarket, how about trying to locate the closest actual farm or garden, and directly asking for products from there?

    AT LEAST milk, cheese, butter, eggs, meat, potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, bread, flour perhaps and stuff like that should be quite easy to obtain.

    You can first simply ask people to ask other people if they know about near farms, but if that doesn't work can also use a service like Google Maps or practically any other service that lists companies by business.

    If these manufacturing areas are too far away, you can group up with friends who would also like to eat more organic food, and

    a) Start delivering the food to your friends, and ask for a small payment - You can quickly become a reseller (You shouldn't advertise yourself publicly too much unless you get the appropriate rights to sell groceries)

    b) Make a deal with - let's say 10 friends, that each of you take turns in delivering the goods from the farm/garden/etc.. This way no-one has to pay extra fee, or spend too much time delivering.

    c) Hire someone else to deliver the goods. You and your friends can pay him/her together.

    d) Grow your own food. Unless you got some start money this will take some effort.

    There are reasons humans - in general - don't live too far away from each other unless they produce their own food.
