Monday, July 25, 2011

FDA Does Something Right For A Change - Article still pisses me off though.... of course!


LOL OMG. If anyone knows me well, they know my blood is boiling right now. I know I bitch a lot about FDA and drug company bullshit all the time, but I read more and more damn nonsense that I can't contain the frustration. Anyone feel me on this Oh.... & I also bitch because I can... It's my freaking blog and i'll say what i want..... DAMN IT!!

i like the numbers.. the beautiful sight of the billion.
"J&J reported Simponi revenue of $67 million in the second quarter and $162 million in the first half of the year. Remicade, which is approved for about a dozen uses in treating various immune disorders, brought J&J about $1.4 billion in the second quarter and $2.7 billion in the first six months of 2011."

the 2nd paragraph to the last should just be deleted from this article. Remicade, Humira, ect., cause the same dangerous side-effect.

FDA rejects new use for J&J immune disorder drug

Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson plans to meet with U.S. regulators after they refused to approve a new use for the company's immune disorder drug, Simponi.

The company, based in New Brunswick, N.J., said Friday night that the Food and Drug Administration notified its Janssen Biotech Inc. subsidiary that it would not approve marketing of Simponi for limiting progression of structural damage in patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.

In a statement, Janssen said it will request a meeting with the FDA to discuss the details of the decision and "future steps to achieve the intended approval."

Janssen applied for the approval in September 2010.

Simponi is a genetically engineered antibody drug that tracks down and binds up the protein TNF-alpha in the blood. In some people, the body produces excess levels of this protein, causing inflammation and damage to bones, cartilage and tissue.

Simponi was first approved in 2009 for sale in the U.S., Europe and Canada as a monthly injection for treating psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and, in combination with the drug methotrexate, for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.

This year, the drug was approved in Europe and then Japan for slowing or preventing structural damage from rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients, uses similar to what the company is seeking in the U.S.

"We look forward to collaborating with the FDA to fully understand requirements needed to support" approval of the new use, Dr. Jerome A. Boscia of Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, said in a statement.

Johnson & Johnson shares revenue with Merck & Co. from Simponi and its predecessor drug, Remicade, which was approved in November 1999. Merck sells them in Europe, Russia and Turkey. J&J markets them in North, Central and South America, the Middle East, Africa and most of the Asia-Pacific region.

J&J reported Simponi revenue of $67 million in the second quarter and $162 million in the first half of the year. Remicade, which is approved for about a dozen uses in treating various immune disorders, brought J&J about $1.4 billion in the second quarter and $2.7 billion in the first six months of 2011.

Because Simponi suppresses part of the immune system, use can result in serious infections, including tuberculosis.

Other possible side effects, some of them rare, include: unusual cancers in children and teenagers, reactivation of the hepatitis B virus, heart failure, liver problems, bruising and bleeding easily, lupus-like symptoms such as shortness of breath and joint, muscle or chest pain, and nervous system problems such as multiple sclerosis.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

IT EXISTS ... .. Cows Milk that Dairy Sensitive People CAN Drink Without Adverse Reaction

Just the thought of drinking milk makes me sick to my stomach because I know what will happen if I do! Trust me it's not pretty and it feels pretty terrible too.

I wanted to post this article from an Australian newspaper about this milk that is actually tolerated by dairy sensitive people.

So....... how do American's go about getting some of this A2 milk??? Knowing there's milk that actually exists that "Does The Body Good" makes me want some!!

THIRD-generation dairy farmer Peter Mulcahy accepted it as a cruel twist of fate that three of his five daughters suffered adverse reactions to milk.

For the youngest, Alexandra, 15, the problem was severe. Just a sip of milk or a lick of ice cream was enough to prompt a rash, major digestive problems and usually vomiting within 10 minutes.

The family's doctor advised that she suffered lactose intolerance and warned her against drinking milk again.

But a chance encounter between Mr Mulcahy and another farmer at a Queensland cattle sale proved the doctor wrong.

It was there that he heard of A2 milk, produced by cows carefully bred to produce milk free of a rogue protein suspected of causing most problems in dairy-intolerant people.

The discovery not only changed Alexandra's life, but also paved the way for Mr Mulcahy and his brothers to become some of the biggest producers of A2 milk in Australia.
A2 milk is one of Australia's fastest-growing grocery lines, with news of its health benefits spreading by word of mouth.

"Alexandra was seven and hadn't been able to drink milk for years," Mr Mulcahy, from Tongala, said. "This bloke told me I should give A2 a try. He said plenty of other people who'd never been able to drink milk were now able to drink as much as they wanted.

"I gave her an eggcup full of A2 and I waited for the usual reaction, but there was none. The next day she had a whole glass. My wife was sceptical, but after a week she was starting to be convinced."

He said any contact with conventional milk - in cheese on a pizza, or ice cream - still made Alexandra sick, but she had never had a problem with A2.

Peter Nathan, chief executive of A2 Milk, said scientists had identified a rogue protein as the problem. The protein, known as BCM7, is believed to have emerged as a mutation in European dairy cows hundreds of years ago.

It is so widespread that now only a third of most dairy herds are free of it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Low Dose Naltrexone Represses Ovarian Cancer Tumor Progression - Promising Findings

The July 2011 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine published findings of new effective treatment of ovarian cancer with the use of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).  
Just Another promising article to keep in mind.
A low dose of naltrexone shows an extraordinary potent antitumor effect on human ovarian cancer in tissue culture and xenografts in nude mice, say researchers at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. When LDN is combined with chemotherapy, there is an additive inhibitory action on tumorigenesis. This discovery, reported in the July 2011 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, provides new insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of ovarian neoplasia, the 4th leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women in the United States.

The strategy of LDN therapy in repressing cancer was first reported over 30 years ago by Drs. Zagon and McLaughlin (Science 221:671-673). Naltrexone (NTX) is a general opioid receptor antagonist devoid of intrinsic activity that results in a compensatory elevation in endogenous opioids and opioid receptors. Blockade of opioid peptides from opioid receptors for a short time each day (4 to 6 hr) with LDN provides a sufficient window of time (18-20 hr) for the elevated levels of endogenous opioids and opioid receptors to interact and elicit a response: inhibition of cell proliferation. Thus, LDN acts as a decoy to upregulate native opioids and opioid receptors. When NTX is metabolized and no longer present, an enhanced opioid-receptor effect is permitted to occur. The endogenous opioid peptide, opioid growth factor (OGF) (chemical term = [Met5]-enkephalin) and its receptor (OGFr) is related to LDN action, and constitutes a tonically active inhibitory axis that suppresses cell proliferation through a depression in DNA synthesis by way of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory pathways. In the case of human ovarian cancer, this laboratory (Amer. J. Physiol. 296:R1716-1725, 2009) previously found that the OGF-OGFr axis is present and functional in human ovarian cancer.

The present study addressed the question of whether modulation of the OGF-OGFr axis by LDN could alter the progression of established ovarian tumors. Moreover, the authors asked whether LDN can be combined with standard chemotherapy to invoke an even greater effect on ovarian cancer. A model of LDN in tissue culture was established that exposed human ovarian cancer cells to NTX for 6 hr every two days, resulting in reduced DNA synthesis and cell replication from vehicle subjected controls. When a short term exposure to NTX was combined with standard of care chemotherapeutic agents, taxol or cisplatin, an enhanced anticancer action relative to either drug was observed. The effects of LDN, but not taxol or cisplatin, could be reversed, indicating the non-toxic nature of LDN. Although favorable results with LDN alone and in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs were recorded in a tissue culture setting, this begged the question of whether LDN was effective on tumors transplanted into mice. Using nude mice with established xenografts of human ovarian cancer, LDN was found to repress tumor progression, reducing DNA synthesis and angiogenesis but not altering cell survival. LDN's repression of cancer progression was comparable to that of cisplatin or taxol. However, the combination of LDN with cisplatin, but not taxol, had an even greater antitumor effect than LDN or taxol alone. Moreover, cisplatin was toxic to the mice, as detected by weight loss. However, LDN in combination with cisplatin attenuated the toxicity of this chemotherapeutic agent, indicating that LDN was protective of the adverse events elicited by a chemotherapeutic drug. Finally, LDN was discovered to upregulate the expression of both OGF and OGFr, indicating that this endogenous opioid system, which inhibits cell proliferation, was activated by LDN.

The research team was comprised of Dr. Ian S. Zagon, Distinguished University Professor, and Dr. Patricia J. McLaughlin, Professor, along with a doctoral student, Dr. Renee N. Donahue, in the Department of Neural & Behavioral Sciences. Drs. Zagon and McLaughlin have extensive collaborations focused on demonstrating the remarkable properties of LDN and OGF in a variety of preclinical and clinical studies. LDN has proven successful in Phase I and II clinical trials in the treatment of Crohn's disease, and OGF has been found to be safe and efficacious for pancreatic cancer. Co-author Dr. McLaughlin states: "Given the extraordinary biological control of the OGF-OGFr axis with respect to cell proliferation, and the unique modulatory capability of LDN to enhance opioid-receptor response by way of native biological processes, this is particularly attractive as a biological-based treatment in arresting the progression of ovarian cancer." Dr. Zagon adds that "More than 75% of women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in advanced stages because of a lack of diagnostic biomarkers. Although the initial clinical response to cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy is excellent, nearly 65% of advanced-staged patients relapse within 2 years. All subsequent treatments are pallative. Thus, the clinical implications of our study speak to the urgency for initiating clinical trials using LDN in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer."

Steven Goodman, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine said "Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine have discovered that a low dose of the opioid antagonist naltrexone markedly suppresses progression of human ovarian cancer transplanted into mice. Low dose naltrexone combined with cisplatin, but not taxol, had an additive inhibitory action on tumorigenesis. Therefore low dose naltrexone offers a non-toxic and efficacious biologic pathway-related treatment that may benefit patients with this ovarian cancer."


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oil of Oregano - *Essential Oil That Everyone Should Have @ Home*


Essential Oil of Oregano is Bomb (bomb, in a good way)!  It's not expensive and you can get it at your health food store.   I like to always get organic and a brand that is reliable and known to be consistent with quality.  I'm currently using the NOW brand Oil of Oregano.  

I've also included some basic info about what essential oils are and how they are used.

Oil of Oregano has powerful anti-yeast, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, as well as intestinal cleansing benefits. It is often used with intestinal Candida/yeast, and as a first aid to help treat food poisoning. Oregano Oil has also been found to have powerful antioxidant effects.
Benefits of Oil of Oregano
  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial Effects
  • Antibacterial
  • Inhibits Yeast Growth
  • Antioxidant

What are Essential Oils?

An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word "oil" are not really oily-feeling at all. Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color.
Essential oils contain the true essence of the plant it was derived from. Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little goes a long way.
Essential oils are not the same as perfume or fragrance oils. Where essential oils are derived from the true plants, perfume oils are artificially created fragrances or contain artificial substances and do not offer the therapeutic benefits that essential oils offer. The chemical composition and aroma of essential oils can provide valuable psychological and physical therapeutic benefits. These benefits are usually achieved through methods including inhalation and application of the diluted oil to the skin.
Not all Essential Oils are created equal. Many are not what we consider Therapeutic Grade which makes the difference on how effective they will be for your over-all health.
That question is a natural one as people wonder how it is that a simple-appearing aromatic substance can have so many powerful effects. If you understand the chemistry of essential oils you will begin to understand how they work. Essential oils are made up of very tiny molecules. The tiny molecules are smaller than the molecules found in "fatty oils" like peanut or olive oil. The small molecules that makeup essential oils empower them in a number of ways. . .
  • It makes them aromatic, as small molecules are able to quickly vaporize and positively affect the body through the nose and lungs. (This ability is what led to the term "aromatherapy.")
  • It enables them to easily cross tissues and cell walls -- including the blood-brain barrier -- which gives the power to reach areas of the body like nothing else. (This can be seen in the ability that essential oils have to quickly and positively affect the emotions.)
  • It equips oils to be transdermal, which means that they can penetrate the skin and reach any part of the body in minutes. (For example, an EO like peppermint can be placed on the sole of the foot and be tasted on the tongue within a minute.)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

List of Doctors that Prescribe LDN

Need list of Doctors who prescribe LDN? 

Please, contact Crystal and tell her where you live and she will generate a list for you.   


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

IBD caused by Accutane Medication- Lawsuit #'s are high* So sorry you trusted them.. Sooo sorry

How exciting :) Another confidence building article!!! Makes me so amped up and pumped with enthusiasm to take those medications tonight.. I'm going to erupt with eagerness any minute now  (that was totally, 100% sarcasm

 How horrible    These poor people that now have IBD from a medication that at some point in the past, was said to be a good, SAFE option for ridding their face from that case of hormonal zits, probably wish they had just dealt with the ugliness of puberty pimples like everyone else did... or opted for Proactive. 
It's really not fair.  I get so angry reading this garbage.  You know the victims most likely feel cheated and lied to, I would.   They trusted their doctors' recommendations and just went with it.  So wrong!  It's like those drug commercials that are advertising a medication for say insomnia and at the end (or middle) of the commercial, announce the horrendous side-effects that seem to be a never ending list of shit that will most likely kill you.  Ok... after hearing the 1st 5, 10, 12 side-effects, you say to yourself with disgust..  These people are hands down serious right now.....  F*&% off Ambien! I'll happily suffer with counting my sheep... thanks, but no thanks.  Or wait, maybe scenario 2 happens.  
Scenario 2 goes like this -  Your eyes follow the wings of the butterfly and you're dazzled by the butterfly's stream of cool colors that lead Miss Sleepy Eyes safely and tranquilly into her warm cozy bed.  The woman smiles as she gently falls into the plush pillow of dreamland.  Mesmerized by the blue butterflies, soothing music and calm voice, you completely missed  the words of death the woman was spewing.   Effective marketing; gets the best of people all the time.   It's the epitome of WRONG. 

The Painful Truth About Accutane Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease

Sarah Klein | July 1st, 2011 | Posted in Accutane Lawsuit News

The majority of Accutane lawsuits focus on two primary medical conditions:  Accutaneulcerative colitis and Accutane Crohn’s disease.  Both are considered inflammatory bowel diseases and cause those who development them considerable debilitation.  There is no cure for either disease leaving those who suffer only with limited options for symptom alleviation.  So far there are over 3500 Accutane lawsuits filed as part of a mass tort inNew Jersey, and many more awaiting trials as part of MDL 1626 centralized in the Middle District of Florida.

Accutane retrial beginning in August

In August, the retrial of the Kamie Kendall case is expected to begin.  Kendall’s case was originally in 2008 resulting in a $10.5 million award.  In 2010 however, the verdict appealled, reversed and a new trial was ordered.
At the time of her first trial Kamie Kendal was only 24 years old.  She had been suffering from the severe effects of Accutane ulcerative colitis for nearly a decade.  At age 12 she was prescribed Accutane and by age 14 had developed ulcerative colitis.

Understanding Accutane ulcerative colitis

This disease causes inflammation and sores, or ulcers, to form in the lining of the rectum and colon.  These ulcerations take place in areas where the inflammation has killed off the cells that usually line and protect the colon, leading to bleeding and pus formation.  The inflammation and irritation of the colon causes it to empty frequently resulting in diarrhea.
In Kamie’s case her Accutane ulcerative colitis became so unmanageable that she was forced to have her entire colon removed.  Of those who develop ulcerative colitis about 25-40% will require the removal of their colon in a procedure called a proctocolectomy.  This is usually due to complications such as massive bleeding, severe illness, colon rupture, or the failure of other treatments.

The other IBD: Accutane Crohn’s Disease

Accutane Crohns disease is similar to ulcerative colitis in that it is caused by inflammation and that they both occur in the bowel.  However the inflammation in this disease is found deeper within the intestinal wall and can occur in other parts of the digestive tract such as the small intestines, mouth, esophagus, and stomach.  Ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon and rectum.
The most common complication of Accutane Crohn’s disease is intestinal blockage caused by thickening of the intestinal wall from swelling or scar tissue resulting in a narrowing of the passage way.  Crohn’s disease can cause sores and ulcers to form which can tunnel through and affect other surrounding abdominal structures like the bladder.  These tunnels are called fistulas and are a common complication of the disease often needing surgery to repair.

More Accutane lawsuits heading to trial

For those suffering from either Accutane ulcerative colitis or Accutane Crohn’s disease, filing an Accutane lawsuit may be an option.   According to court documents, eight other Accutane lawsuits will go to trial this year with jury selection expected to begin on October 11, 2011.  Another jury will be chosen again beginning January 9, 2012 for the trial of four more Accutane lawsuits.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Man it's early!  I'm as awake  as the birds outside. 
So, what I have been doing for the past half hour or so, is looking up the ingredients in this intestinal support formula that I purchased.  I know what the benefits of some of the ingredients are, but clueless about at least 4-5 ingredients that the label lists (most of the contents that make me say "huh! never heard of that before" are mostly herbal ingredients that impel me to do research). A lot of the herbs that provide digestive system support, strength, protection, Intestinal pain/discomfort relief, ect., you will find below.  
This provides me and you with an easy source of reference for beneficial medicinal herbs for GI problems 
(As I read and discover more, I will add them to the list,  FEEL FREE TO ADD SOME TOO!  If you know of any helpful herbal treatments off the top of your head, add the info in the comment section and i'll add the info to the actual posting (Yes, of course stating that you are the contributor).

PLEASE NOTE:  Always contact your physician before adding any herbal remedy to your existing medication regime.  I have provided only a basic summary about each herb and it's beneficial effects on the digestive system.  When considering any alternative therapy (or conventional therapy for that matter) it's your responsibility to obtain knowledge and to educate yourself for your own safety.  Likewise, using that knowledge to choose the medication that would be the safest and most helpful to your disease (For both herbal/alternative or traditional medicine - Do your part - Research.  It Matters.

Here's the list so far... Check it out & hope it's helpful

Beneficial Herbs For Gastrointestinal Problems

Aloe Vera tea can help you fight digestive problems, such as ulcers. I also have ulcerative colitis and I've been applying Aloe Vera gel internally and it has been working for me. Aloe Vera tea regulates digestion, wards off fungal activity in the stomach and it also comes as a great ally to fight constipation.It is worth giving it a try. - Mafalda

Cat's Claw Traditionally cat's claw has been used as a homeopathic treatment for intestinal ailments such as:colitis, crohn's disease, gastric ulcers and tumors, parasites, gastritis, diverticulitis and leaky bowel syndrome. By stimulating the immune system, it can also improve response to viral and respiratory infection
It is also used to treat & prevent the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, PMS, as well as diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and prostrate conditions.
Presently, researchers recommend cat's claw to treat inflammatory problems such as arthritis, viral diseases ( HIV/AIDS), gastrointestinal illnesses( Crohn's disease, ulcers) and certain cancers.
Scientific studies reported that human volunteers who took cat's claw herb for eight weeks had improved DNA .Cat's claw herb exert is valuable on memory impairment induced by the dysfunction of cholinergic systems in the brain .
Cat's Claw is used for the treatment of followings disorders:
  • Diverticulitis.
  • Leaky bowel syndrome.
  • Colitis.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Fistulas.
  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcers.
  • Parasites.
  • Intestinal flora imbalance.
  • Environmental toxic poisoning.
  • Organic depression.

Marshmallow Marshmallow contains anti-inflammatory effect, Marshmallow is very good for problems with the urinary system, including .cystitis, urethritis, urinary gravel and calculus. 
Marshmallows leaf if used internally cure the irritation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa and associated dry cough.

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Common cold/sore throat
  • Cough
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Weight loss aid (marshmallow swells with fluid and gives a sense of fullness)
  • Wound healin

Slippery elm contains mucilage, a long chain of polysaccharides that make a slippery substance when added with water. This mucilage is believed to ebb the digestive system. Slippery elm is also a excellent food supplement and is easy to digest, making it an good food during times of digestive discomfort & used as a gruel for infants, invalids and peoples with intestinal inflammation. Slippery elm also has astringent property, tightening the areas on which it contacts, acting an effective resistance to bacterial infection and alleviating diarrhoea.
-Externally Slippery Elm makes a wonderful medical dressing , applied locally,for taking out toxins, especially those areas which are associated with boils, spots or abscesses and can assist the removal of splinters.when applied to wounds, burns and inflammation of any kind show good results .Slippery Elm will help to reduce, heal and ebb swelling and pain.
-Internally Slippery Elm can be taken to cure many different types of digestive problems, for example:Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ,Inflammation of the gut or colic , Colitis and diverticulitis, give an instant relief to acid indigestion or 'reflux' ,ulcers anywhere in the gut (stomach & intestines), if mixed with a banana and powdered Marshmallow .In diarrhoea,Slippery Elm mixed with a banana and powdered Marshmallow give good results. 

White Oak is taken for diarrhea & inflammation of the oral and genital areas.
White Oak is helpful in chronic diarrhoea & dysentery, either alone or in addition with aromatics.

liquorice root is very effective in cough , mouth ulcers,peptic ulcers and has been used for this purpose since ancient times, especially in ayurvedic medicine where it is also used in tooth powders . Modern cough syrups often include liquorice extract as an ingredient. Naturopathic medicinal uses include treatment of peptic, oral ulcers, hypoglycemia, diabetes and Addison's disease, which is a malfunction of the adrenal glands.
Used in following Symptom:
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Bladder
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Intestinal Inflammation
  • Kidney Problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Sore Throat
  • Spasms
  • Ulcers
  • Edema (peripheral, pulmonary), secondary to increased extra cellular fluid from water retention
  • Hypertension
  • Spasms/tetany
  • Hyporeflexia, muscle wasting, weakness, flaccid paralysis
  • Myoglobinuria/rhabdomyolysis
  • Trousseau and Chvostek signs (from hypokalemia with alkalosis)
  • Cardiac arrest, dysrhythmias (rare)
  • Rales
Licorice used to strengthen and balance the female reproductive system. Some compounds found in licorice are thought to help the adrenal glands function more smoothly in conditions of stress and exhaustion. The adrenal glands are responsible for hormones that keep the body systems balanced.It is also used as an emulsifier to create foam in drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Yarrow in present times is used for the common cold & fevers. It is also beneficial for amenorrhoea, hypertension, dysentary and diarrhoea. Yarrow helps externally and internally to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduces heavy bleeding and ebb menstrual pain.It is valuable for nosebleeds.Take two to four droppers of tincture as a remedy. Yarrow is used for the mucous membranes and has a reliving effect on the digestive system.
Use leaves, stems and flowers of white & red flowered yarrow facilitate blood clotting.As an infusion can help to break a fever .A tea can be used to fight colds and flu made from yarrow with peppermint & elderflower .Yarrow can be used in mild cystitis.It helps to lower high blood pressure. Acting as a vasodilator it improves blood circulation.It is helpful to promotes digestion.
Yarrow's flavenoid compounds contain salycilic acid derivatives & antispasmodic action,make it useful remedy to treating pain .Yarrow is use for various disorders such as menstrual irregularities,menstrual cramps and pain, wound healing,inflammation ,muscle spasms,reduce high fevers,soothing external rashes, skin ulcers, hemorrhoids,liver and gallbladder conditions


  • Antipyretic.
  • Hypotensive.
  • Astringent.
  • Diuretic.
  • Urinary antiseptic.
  • Stops internal bleeding.
  • Promotes menstruation.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Diaphoretic.
  • Peripheral vasodilator.
  • Haemostatic.
  • Spasmolytic.
  • Aromatic bitter.
  • Digestive stimulant.
  • Emmenagogue.
  • Restorative.
  • Anti-allergenic.
  • Antispasmodic.

Chamomilla  are widely used to alleviate morning sickness, mastitis, menopausal symptoms, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea with a psychological component & hysteria .Internally it is used to treat to treat inflammation & spasms of the digestive tract. As a mouth rinse, it's taken for sore gums and oral inflammation.  
As a remedy chamomile is used for various disorders such as Bronchitis ,Colds ,Cough ,Fever, Skin inflammation ,Sore throat ,Tendency to infection ,Wounds and burns . Chamomile is use to ebb & relaxes at bedtime,relieves restlessness, teething problems, and colic in children,relieves allergies, relieves morning sickness during pregnancy,speeds healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns,treats gastritis and ulcerative colitis.
Products made from chamomile are widely used as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, and sedative property.Its extracts are used to ease pain and irritation, clean wounds and ulcers, and aid irradiated skin injuries, as well as cure cystitis & dental afflictions . The tea has anti-inflammatory actions,beneficial for rheumatism, arthritis, and other painful swellings.
Scientist recommended chamomile as medicine or therapy to treat various problems such as allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress, wounds,acne ,blisters ,depression ,digestive problems ,gout ,indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome ,nervous tension, eczema & psoriasis

  • Analgesic.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Digestive Stimulant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Sspasmolytic.
  • Vulnerary.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Mild sedative.
  • Carminative.
  • Anticatarrhal.

Turmeric Evidence that turmeric is an effective treatment for Crohn's disease is limited. However, the results of a study by J. Epstein and colleagues published in the March 2010 issue of the "British Journal of Nutrition," show that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, suppresses the expression of inflammatory mediators in children and adults with inflammatory bowel disease. The authors therefore conclude that this compound may hold promise as a novel therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. Research published in the December 2004 issue of the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" also found that turmeric may help to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel diseases.

Boswellia Evidence that boswellia is an effective treatment for Crohn's disease is mixed. The results of a clinical trial by H. Gerhardt and colleagues published in the January 2001 issue of "Zeitschrift Gastroenterologie" show that boswellia extract displayed similar efficacy to mesalazine, a commonly used drug for inflammatory bowel diseases. The authors conclude that, considering both safety and efficacy, boswellia is superior to mesalazine in terms of risk versus benefit. In contrast, the results of a trial by W. Holtmeier and colleagues published in the February 2011 issue of "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" show that, although well-tolerated, boswellia is not an effective treatment for Crohn's disease.  (I use this and I have found it helpful... & it's safe)

Peppermint/Lavender/Chamomile Combo/Intesol An enteric-coated peppermint/lavender/chamomile combination (sold under the name Intesol) has been shown to provide relief of gastrointestinal disturbances through antispasmodic and carminative (relieving flatulence/gas) effects. This combination helps to relax the intestinal smooth muscle and support healthy colonic motility. Enteric-coated capsules allow targeted delivery of the active ingredients to the intestines (where the pain and cramping are located), not the stomach, for maximum effectiveness. (NOTE: Uncoated peppermint oil ingested orally has an undesirable side effect of relaxing the Gastroesophageal sphincter that allows food to enter from the esophagus to the stomach during digestion. Relaxation of this sphincter causes backflow of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus, a condition called Gastroesophageal reflux disorder or GERD. The enteric coating on this combination prevents this side effect.)

Fennel seed fights gas, cramps, and acid indigestion, and eases spasms in the intestinal tract.  Fennel is also said to act as a carminative, meaning it helps your body expel gas and sooth indigestion.
Lemon balm is a member of the mint family.  It is often mixed with other herbs to help promote relaxation. Evidence suggests that lemon balm can help treat indigestion, but its stress-soothing qualities alone can often be useful for this purpose.

Ginger  has long been used as a medicine in Asian, Indian, Chinese, and Arabic herbal traditions.  Health care professionals still recommend ginger to help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting. It is also used as a digestive aid for mild stomach upset.

         Artichoke Leaf In traditional European medicine, the leaves of the artichoke plant (not the leaves of the bud, which is the part you normally eat) were used as a diuretic to stimulate the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder.  A large study designed to evaluate artichoke leaf as a treatment for dyspepsia found that it was significantly more effective than a placebo.

        Cayenne Oral use of cayenne reduces discomfort in your stomach, and can help alleviate pain, bloating, and nausea.