Wednesday, October 24, 2012

C-Diff - More Common & More Severe According to Researchers - What's going on here?

The numbers are so high. I don't understand why there is this "drastic shift" when really if you read toward the end of this article, it discusses ways to prevent the spread of the bacteria.  It's basic, common sense actions like washing your hands frequently, use bleach when cleaning, ect.  Shouldn't the hospital staff do this no matter what for harm reduction purposes?  
Just like the fungal meningitis outbreak that could have been completely prevented if they followed protocol.  It all comes down to people being CARELESS.  CARELESSNESS KILLS.  Those 23 people should be alive today, but because of ad decisions made by people in the position to call the shots, these people didn't make it and many got very sick.  
I'm really getting sick of reading stories like this.  I'm getting sick of our medical system and how the billion dollar drug companies use unlawful ways to profit more $ (kickbacks people...its gotten corrupt because everyones motivation is wrong).  
Just everything ...I'm sick of the crazy prices of medictions these days.  Im extremely pissed off that doctors don't even discuss or look at family history/genetics before they jump on suggesting possibly deadly medications.   Biologic drugs ARE NOT for everyone.....(like me.... cancer runs on both sides of my family..& guess what kind of cancer? The exact type of cancer that the manufacturer reports that people have gotten from treatment with Biologics.  When a doctor just casually mentions that I should be on one of these drugs, it makes me want to punch them in the face.  
I ask them exactly what I want to know when I'm there.  This is our lives people.  Don't ever be intimidated by the man wearing the white coat with a medical degree.  Most of them shouldn't even have the degree.  Anyone can be a doctor these days.  There are brilliant doctors out there.... but finding them is either difficult because of persons' location and require some $ because the doctor is  extremely far.  Most people won't want to have that burden and will just settle with the stupid man that thinks he's smart.  LOL  I'm done venting now.  Carry on with the article.  You'll probably be just as  disgusted as me.  

Researchers See Dramatic Shifts in C. Diff Infections - Yahoo! News

Minnesota scientists studying the records of discharged hospital patients found some dramatic shifts in the infection Clostridium difficile. This germ is commonly referred to as C. diff.
The Mayo Clinic says its researchers examined five years of data from the National Hospital Discharge Study. They found that incidents of C. diff infections among two groups -- children and the elderly -- are becoming more frequent and are increasing in severity.
Of an estimated 13.7 million hospitalized children, 46,176 had C. diff infections. When compared to those without the illness, they had longer hospital stays, more surgeries for removal of part or all of the colon, more stays at long- or short-term healthcare facilities, and a greater risk of dying.
The scientists also followed 1.3 million adults who were in the hospital with C. diff. Those older than 65 experienced longer stays, were sent to nursing homes more frequently, and had a higher risk of dying than others. The researchers concluded that being older than 65 is an independent risk factor for negative outcomes linked to the infection.
C. diff is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and can result in serious intestinal conditions, according to MedlinePlus. Its most common symptoms are fever, watery diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, and/or abdominal pain or tenderness. The disease typically spreads in hospitals, nursing homes, or in other institutions.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that C. diff causes 14,000 U.S. deaths a year. The annual tab for treating it is at least $1 billion. The risk of recurrence after one infection is 20 percent. After multiple episodes, it rises to 60 percent.
Individuals who have taken antibiotics are particularly at risk. These drugs destroy beneficial flora in the intestine. Ironically, the main treatment for C. diff is antibiotics, typically oral metronidazole or vancomycin.
The Mayo Clinic states that despite the dramatic shift in these infections, several preventive measures are effective. They include washing hands frequently with soap and water, separating hospitalized patients with C. diff from others without the infection, cleaning surfaces with chlorine bleach, and equipping hospital staff and visitors with disposable gloves and gowns when around infected patients. When antibiotics are necessary, probiotics can help rebalance the intestines.
I have had at least three episodes of C. diff. Years ago, a gastroenterologist advised that patients with Crohn's disease -- particularly those like me on immunosuppressants -- are at elevated risk of contracting it.
I recently developed an infection in my foot that wouldn't go away. After 10 days of an antibiotic, I had several symptoms of C. diff. Since I take metronidazole periodically for Crohn's, I wondered if the bacteria might finally be resistant to it. I bypassed the drug. Each day for two weeks, I took a probiotic and ate yogurt. Fortunately, I avoided yet another C. diff infection.
Vonda J. Sines has published thousands of print and online health and medical articles. She specializes in diseases and other conditions that affect the quality of life.

Pathogenic Clostridia, Including Botulism and Tetanus
Researchers See Dramatic Shifts in C. Diff Infections - Yahoo! News:

 Super Superbug C. difficile « Fire Earth     'Clostridium difficile | C diff Microbiology   

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Amy Brenneman-The Private Practice Actress ->Open about Having #IBD & Is A Proud Spokeswoman For The CCFA

Actress AMY BRENNEMAN has opened up about the secret surgery she underwent in January (10), revealing she had an operation to cure her from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
The Private Practice star previously refused to go into detail about what ailed her after she spent several days in hospital to correct a "longstanding and chronic problem".
But now she's gone public with her health battle - she was suffering from painful symptoms of IBD, a disease which can inflict sufferers with ulcers or open sores on their large intestine or colon.
She says, "I had a big old operation. I'd been suffering from ulcerative colitis for about five years and I had to have an operation to correct that... I'm great now."

Actress Amy Brenneman has stepped up as the spokeswoman for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America after suffering from inflammatory bowel disease for years.
The Private Practice star underwent surgery in 2010 to have her colon removed and she has been in good health ever since.
Brenneman was recently approached by organisers behind the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation to help raise awareness about the disease and she agreed to film a public service announcement to encourage others not to suffer in silence.
During an appearance on U.S. talk show The View on Monday (01Oct12), she said, "A lot of people suffer from it, it is not a glamorous disease. They (Foundation officials) wanted it to get some traction because there is something really private and embarrassing and strange about (inflammatory bowel disease)."

Amy BrennemanAmy Brenneman

Actress AMY BRENNEMAN has opened up about the surgery she underwent in January (10) to correct a "longstanding and chronic problem".
The Heat star admits she was squirming in pain as her surgery approached and spent several days in hospital as her body "fell apart".
Brenneman refuses to go into details about what ailed her, but the 45 year old is relieved she's in recovery.
She tells website, "It was as if my body knew that relief was in sight; that it didn't need to be a good camper anymore and hang on. Around January 15, it fell apart altogether and I found myself limping into the ER (emergency room).
"Everything went well. Of course it did - how could it not? I was with the top surgeon in the country for this sort of thing, at a major medical institution that did this kind of surgery all the time. I had sanitary surroundings, top-notch nursing and kind people constantly asking me if I was in pain - and if I was, doing something to rectify it.
"That said, the journey was not without drama. Because my body was failing, there were emergency situations, and I was in the emergency room three times in two weeks."
Brenneman admits she did a lot of thinking during her time in hospital: "When you're in physical distress, higher thoughts go out the window. Here I am - me, who loves thinking about God and art and politics and social justice; me, who is always looking for signs and portents and the Meaning Of Life - here are the kinds of thoughts I've had during the last month: 'I'm in pain. When am I not going to be in pain? I need to sleep. I need to eat. I'm cold. How can I get to the restroom with an IV and a catheter? And how the hell do the ties on a hospital gown work?'
"My world became very, very small. It reminded me of when my kids were newborns. Moment to moment - can't think beyond that. Eating, sleeping, pooping, crying. Elemental and animal. I was reduced to this.
"Perhaps by letting go of the search for the Meaning of Life, I stumbled into a piece of it, right there in hospital room 804."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Colonoscopy (biopsy and polyp removal) & Screening Guidelines

Colonoscopy (biopsy and polyp removal):

Colonoscopy is the visual examination of the large intestine (colon) using a lighted, flexible fiberoptic or video endoscope. The colon begins in the right-lower abdomen and looks like a big question mark as it moves up and around the abdomen, ending in the rectum. It is 5 to 6 feet long. The colon has a number of functions including withdrawing water from the liquid stool that enters it so that a formed stool is produced.


The flexible colonoscope is a remarkable piece of equipment that can be directed and moved around the many bends in the colon. Colonoscopes now come in two types. The original purely fiberoptic instrument has a flexible bundle of glass fibers that collects the lighted image at one end and transfers the image to the eye piece. The newer video endoscopes use a tiny, optically sensitive computer chip at the end. Electronic signals are then transmitted up the scope to a computer which displays the image on a large video screen. An open channel in these scopes allows other instruments to be passed through in order to perform biopsies, remove polyps, or inject solutions.

Reasons for the Exam

There are many types of problems that can occur in the colon. A patient's medical history, physical exam, laboratory tests and x-rays can provide information useful in making a diagnosis. However, directly viewing the inside of the colon by colonoscopy is usually the best exam. Colonoscopy is used for:
  • Colon cancer - a serious but highly curable malignancy
  • Polyps - fleshy tumors which usually are the forerunners of colon cancer
  • Colitis (Ulcerative or Crohn's) - chronic, recurrent inflammation of the colon
  • Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis - pockets along the intestinal wall that develop over time and can become infected
  • Bleeding lesions - bleeding may occur from different points in the colon
  • Abdominal symptoms, such as pain or discomfort, particularly if associated with weight loss or anemia
  • Abnormal barium x-ray exam
  • Chronic diarrhea, constipation, or a change in bowel habits
  • Anemia


To obtain the full benefits of the exam, the colon must be clean and free of stool. The patient will receive instructions on how to do this. It involves drinking a solution which flushes the colon clean or taking laxatives and enemas. Usually the patient drinks only clear liquids and eats no food for the day before the exam. The physician will advise the patient regarding the use of regular medications during that time.


Colonoscopy is usually performed on an outpatient basis. The patient is mildly sedated, the endoscope is inserted through the anus and moved gently around the bends of the colon. If a polyp is encountered, a thin wire snare is used to lasso it. Electrocautery (electrical heat) is applied to painlessly remove the ployp. Other tests can be performed during colonoscopy, including biopsy to obtain a small tissue specimen for microscopic analysis.
The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes and is seldom remembered by the sedated patient. A recovery area is available to monitor vital signs until the patient is fully awake. It is normal to experience mild cramping or abdominal pressure following the exam. This usually subsides in an hour or so.


After the exam, the physician explains the findings to the patient and family. If the effects of the sedatives are prolonged, the physician may suggest an appointment at a later date. If a biopsy has been performed or a polyp removed, the results of further analysis may not be available for three to seven days.


A colonoscopy is performed to identify and/or correct a problem in the colon. The test enables a diagnosis to be made and specific treatment can be given. If a polyp is found during the exam, it can be removed at that time, eliminating the need for a major operation later. If a bleeding site is identified, treatment can be administered directly and accurately to stop the bleeding. Other treatments can be given through the endoscope when necessary.


Alternative tests to colonoscopy include a barium enema or other types of x-ray exams that outline the colon and allow a diagnosis to be made. Study of the stools and blood can provide indirect information about a colon condition. These exams, however, do not allow direct viewing of the colon, removal of polyps, or the completion of biopsies.

Side Effects and Risks

Bloating and distension typically occur for about an hour after the exam until the air is expelled. Serious risks with colonoscopy, however, are very uncommon. One such risk is excessive bleeding, especially with the removal of a large polyp. In rare instances a tear in the lining of the colon can occur. These complications may require hospitalization and, rarely, surgery. Quite uncommonly a diagnostic error or oversight may occur.
Due to the mild sedation, someone must be available to drive the patient home. The driver may leave, but must be available by mobile phone. The patient should not drive or operate machinery following the exam.


Colonoscopy is an outpatient exam that is performed with the patient lightly sedated. The procedure provides significant information used to diagnose a colon condition and determine which specific treatment should be given. In certain cases, therapy can be administered directly through the endoscope. Serious complications rarely occur from colonoscopy. The physician can answer any questions the patient may have.  
This material is provided by Medical Schedule, Inc and does not cover all information and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Some of this material may have been adapted from materials provided both online and in print by other reputable medical resources.

Skip Navigation LinksScreening Guidelines

Screening Guidelines

1. Asymptomatic low risk
Digital and fecal occult blood
Age 40
Age 50
3-5 years
2. Asymptomatic high risk
Fecal occult blood
Age 35
Colonoscopy or barium enema and sigmoidoscopy
Age 40
3-5 years
3. Familial adenomatous polyposis
Age 10
Yearly until adenomatous age 40; then polyposis follow asymptom atic high- risk guidelines
4. A. Ulcerative colitis (pancolitis)
Disease years 7 and 8
Every 2 years until 20 years of disease; then annually
B.Ulcerative left-sided colitis (or Crohn's colitis)
Disease year 15
Every 2 years
5. Symptomatic patient
Barium enema orcolonoscopy (preferred if bleeding, occult blood, or melena)
6. A. Polyp surveillance (adenoma)
Yearly until colon cleared; then every 3-5 years
B. Hyperplastic
Repeat colonoscopy in one year; then revert to asymptom atic low risk if colon cleared
Colorectal cancer
Surveillance After
A. If colonoscopy Colonoscopy or barium or barium enema enema cleared colon preoperatively
One year post-operatively; then every 3 years if colon cleared
B. If colon not cleared pre-operatively by barium enema or colonoscopy
Colonoscopy or barium enema
Within 6 months; then every 3 years if colon cleared

Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer

The most effective treatment of colorectal cancer is surgical removal. In the special case of small cancers found in polyps, removal of the polyp may be the only treatment needed; however, this type of treatment is recommended only after careful review of the pathology and with surgical consultation.

Abdominal Surgery

Most colorectal cancers are removed by an abdominal operation. The vast majority are done without the need for a colostomy. Surgery is the primary treatment for colorectal cancer because when it is performed for cure, it completely removes the primary cancer and allows for the staging, or evaluation, of the risks for cancer spread.
Even if the cancer has spread, surgery will provide the best opportunity to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and prevent either bowel obstruction or bowel bleeding. Sections of the colon and rectum are removed along with the lymph glands that are associated with the particular part of the bowel.

Team Approach

Although surgery is the primary therapy for colorectal cancer, a team approach is essential for continuing care. Each colorectal cancer patient has their case discussed at a weekly meeting. At this meeting, colorectal surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, gastroenterologists and clinical nurse specialists review the treatment plans for each patient. These plans include a review of the most recent techniques and clinical studies that may benefit the patient.
This material is provided by Medical Schedule, Inc and does not cover all information and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Some of this material may have been adapted from materials provided both online and in print by other reputable medical resources.

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