Monday, January 7, 2013

Talking To Your Doctor About Low Dose Naltrexone- #LDN

Good info on staring the conversation about Low Dose Naltrexone.

Before you visit your doctor…1.  Practice saying “Low Dose Naltrexone” out loud.   This might sound silly, but it can
be a tongue twister, and you don’t want to stumble over your words when you say it 
to your doctor.  

2.  Locate a compounding pharmacy.   Oddly, this was one of my doctor’s objections:  
“What a pain; you have to find a compounding pharmacy to do this.”   But I'd done my 
homework, and showed her my list of pharmacies, which included a local 
compounding pharmacy.   (Don’t know how to find one?  Call your local drug store 
and ask for the name of the nearest compounding pharmacy.){Be careful what fillers the big pharmacies use as a filler when they compound.  Some use Lactose and if you're lactose intolerant, it's just not a good choice}

{I have located a great pharmacy that is extremely familiar with LDN and does a lot of shipping throughout the US. All of my main contacts that have helped me during the search process to find a safe effective medicine, they have helped me find a doctor that will write scripts and is familiar with the drug, have all pretty much directed me to use 

Skip's Pharmacy located in Boca Raton , FL 33433  Contact # is 1800-553-7429.  
FYI-  This pharmacy was CHEAPER than an of my local pharmacies up here in NY state... That's including shipping costs and I don't even think they used my insurance.  It's was approx. $30.00 for a 3mg dosage daily via Topically.  $1.00 a day sounds nice to me.  I resorted to the transdermal/topical lotion because since I'm sensitive to EVERYTHING I wanted to bypass my digestive track.  But most people aren't like me and getting regular capsules works for most people.  If you do want it topically (topical is great for people that don't do well with swallowing pills and children)

3.  Get a nice new manila folder.

4.  Click here for 
the LDN FAQs -- Frequently-Asked Questions about LDN  -- print 
out this file and put it in the manila folder.  This has been assembled many different 
sources.   It is streamlined  and factual, without too much medical terminology.  (Some 
doctors don’t like patients who use medical jargon.){I NEVER use medical terms when talking to doctors.  I've just learned that things work out more to my advantage if i don't sound like I know everything. You learn these things after a while hahah)  Claims of LDN’s effectiveness are deliberately cautious and unemotional.   Your doctor doesn’t want to hear the 
words “miracle drug.”  

5.  Familiarize yourself with everything in the FAQ's.  You don't want to be a know-it-
all, but you should be ready to answer your doctor’s questions, or at least know where 
to find the answers.  

Don’t include any other material in the Folder.  These pages are just enough for a busy 
doctor to absorb during a short appointment.   Most doctors will recoil from a big 
stack of paper.  {TRUE... less is better.  If it's just way to much info, he/she wont even start because finishing reading it all may not be possible and if it's too skimpy and doesn't have anything of substance included, the Dr. may not think it's a good source of info}

During the Visit with Your Doctor...1.  Play it cool.  Don’t say that you think LDN is a miracle drug.   Don’t volunteer a lot
of information at first.  Let your doctor be the smart one.
  Nod a lot.   {YES!! It makes the Dr. feel good when they are the know it all, even if you do know more than he does on this topic, it doesn't matter.  Mention it and see what HE/SHE says about it.}

2.  Without telling lies or hiding symptoms, try to appear as healthy as possible.   Don't 
complain about your symptoms.   A doctor is more likely to prescribe an 
“experimental” drug if he thinks your health is not in immediate jeopardy.{Good point.. If you are feeling fairly stable (or not, it's up to you really what you feel you should say) The Dr. will probably be more likely to prescribe this medicine.

3.  Keep in mind that many doctors are simply unaware of Low Dose Naltrexone.  
Some doctors might think you are asking for Novantrone, another MS therapy.  If your 
doctor dismisses you outright, make sure he isn't confusing the two. 

4.  Present the material in the Doctor’s Folder a little bit at a time.  How should you do 
that?  Keep reading…

Talking to Your Doctor...
All doctors are different, so I can’t guarantee that my approach will work with your 
doctor.  But perhaps my story will help you figure out the best way to approach your 
My LDN StoryAfter diagnosing me with MS, my neurologist handed me a stack of marketing kits for 
Copaxone, Rebif, Avonex  and Beta Seron.   She told me to take them home and look 
them over, and said that we’d discuss them at my next appointment.

After looking at the kits, and getting more and more confused, I decided to do a little 
research on the internet.   I wanted to know what actual patients thought of these 

It wasn't long before I began seeing references to LDN.  I’d never heard of it.  Being 
the research geek that I am, I wanted to know more.

Over the next couple of weeks, I learned a lot about LDN.  Assuming my neurologist 
didn’t know about it either, I put together a folder of information to show her at our 
next appointment.  I created the 
Doctor's Folder. I included everything I imagined the 
doctor would want to know.  

During our next appointment, she listened to what I had to say, read everything in the 
Folder, and prescribed LDN.

Your doctor and the internet…How does your doctor feel about patients who do medical research on the internet?   
Some doctors think it’s great.  Others are infuriated by it.  If your doctor disapproves 
of it, tread very softly.  If your doctor says something like “All those people are 
crazies,” don’t get defensive.  Just shrug and say something like, “Yeah, that’s for 
sure, there really are some lunatics out there… but I did find some interesting stuff, and
I wanted your opinion about it.”    

Avoid using the word “internet.”  Use the words “information” and “research” instead.  
If your doctor asks you a question you can’t answer, just say, “I don’t know, but I 
can find out for you.”  

{MY opinion with this topic of getting info from the internet for me and the doctors I've mentioned things to, they frown upon the legitimacy of the info.  It's a very good point they are making because you have to know where to find valid, true, reliable sources for the information you are looking for.  If not, it's a total waste of time and getting the wrong information about something could be dangerous to you.I stick to online journals - Pubmed is just 1 place to access journal articles.  There are a ton more. }
Addressing your doctor’s objections ...If your doctor objects to LDN, don’t panic.  Ask (in a friendly, curious way) what his 
objections are.   Here’s what he might say:

    “It’s too experimental.”   Or, “It’s not FDA approved.”  

You can point out that Naltrexone (at the higher 50mg dose) has had FDA approval for 
a long time, and guide your doctor to the Q&A section that discusses FDA approval.

    “You’re already on [Avonex, BetaSeron, Rebif, or another drug].   LDN might conflict.”

Your doctor might be right about this one.   Most of the standard MS drugs (with the 
probable exception of Copaxone), are immunosuppressant and thus tend to counteract 
the beneficial effects of LDN.   Depending on your general health, if you ask your 
neurologist to take you off the standard MS drugs to try LDN, you might be facing an 
uphill battle.   Don’t give up.  It just means that you have more homework to do.   Tell 
your doctor you will look into it and find out for sure.

    “I just don’t know enough about it.”  

Some doctors are uncomfortable admitting they don’t know something, especially to a 
patient.   This might be a good time to back off, give your doctor the folder, and ask 
her to look it over at her convenience.  Suggest this in a way that indicates that you’re 
not trying to prove your case, you value your doctor’s opinion, and you’re willing to 

{If you sound to anxious and pushy, it will work against you. In addition, keep in the back of your mind that this 1 particular doctor does not hold the keys with whether or not you will even have a chance to try this drug and see if it will work for you.  There's many ways patients have been able to legally obtain the drug.  I can help you if your doctor refuses it completely)

Direct Link   ------->      How to Talk to Your Doctor about Low Dose Naltrexone:

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