Friday, May 27, 2011

Treat Depression the Natural Way - Article by Jini Patel Thompson

I thought this was a great article by Jini, and an article that we could all benefit from reading.  If you don't suffer directly from depression, anxiety ect., I'm sure most of you know someone who does have some sort of mental health issue that effects the persons' overall wellbeing.  (Pass this along to them.)  
So many people are in the dark about homeopathic therapies, ways to heal naturally, because there is such a strong push to conform to conventional standards of care.  Our country has basically told us that this little blue pill is a better treatment option than this green plant.  We need to simplify things and take a few steps back.

Back to my point..... I know that for me, living with Crohn's Disease and dealing with the everyday IN YOUR FACE symptoms of the illness, has taken a toll on my life.  I'm more stressed than ever before, I often get down about the restrictions I'm faced with on a daily basis, the fatigue, the strains the disease puts on my relationships.... There are so many more obstacles I could mention, but no need to remind myself.  
Does anyone hear me on this one?? Yep

I also want to add that I'm interested and support ways to rid the body of illnesses by using the natural fundamentals that God has provided us with to maintain good health and to heal ailments safely.  With an organic plant, or minerals in their purest form, there's no need to worry about adverse effects and possible reactions that occur with taking man made drugs.  They are safe, not toxic!  So what treatment option would you choose?  

Enjoy this article and visit Jini's site for more articles on other natural treatments.  

Natural Treatment for Depression                    By Jini Patel Thompson
Many people with IBD and IBS are also on prescription antidepressants, either prior to their intestinal diagnosis, or, because of it! Sometimes it’s overwhelmingly difficult to deal with the restrictions these illnesses place on your life, your relationships, your desires, your body, your plans, etc,
However, this is not a good idea, because aside from numerous other damaging side effects, many antidepressants also create an alkaline pH in the digestive system. This causes ongoing damage to your gut since good bacteria need an acidic pH to survive and colonize properly. However, Candida albicans (yeast) and other pathogenic microorganisms love an alkaline pH.
Therefore, taking a prescription antidepressant can often exacerbate your IBS or IBD. Be sure and check the list of possible side effects too, as one medication I checked for a consultation client (Zoloft) listed Gastroenteritis as a side-effect and Colitis as a “rare” side-effect. She had developed Colitis after taking this medication (no gut problems previously) and every doctor she suggested the connection to scoffed at her – so don’t rely on your doctor to read or know the pharmaceutical printout for the drugs he/she prescribes.
The good news is the following article outlines a very effective natural treatment protocol for depression. To tailor this supplement regimen for people with IBD and IBS, I recommend the following modifications:
1. Make sure the Vit.C you take is in mineral ascorbate form only (not ascorbic acid). Calcium ascorbate is a good form of Vit.C.
2. Experiment with the magnesium dosage recommended, if it causes you diarrhea, just reduce it or use magnesium in transdermal form (applied to the skin) or angstrom-sized. See my Holistic Health Shoppe for the brands of magnesium I recommend.
3. Do not ingest soy protein as it depresses thyroid function and prevents the absorption of key minerals – see Ch.3 of Listen To Your Gut for all the details on why. Fermented soy, like soy sauce and miso are fine though.
4. Visit my Holistic Health Shoppe to see my recommendations for a multivitamin and B vitamins that do not contain any aggravating ingredients. Remember to check all of your supplements against the list given on pg. 54 of “Listen To Your Gut” to make sure they do not contain any aggravating ingredients. The most common problem ingredients for people with IBD or IBS are:
- MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
- Vit. C in ASCORBIC ACID form (mineral ascorbate form is fine)
- too much magnesium or a non-absorbable form
- bacterial soil organisms (HSO’s, SBO’s, etc.)
- Betaine HCL
Okay, now on to the article…

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 7, 2005

(OMNS) Doctors report that mental health problems including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, anti-social and learning disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders often have a common cause: insufficient nutrients in the brain. Nutritionally-oriented physicians assert that the cure for these problems is to give the body the extra nutrients it needs, especially when under abnormal stress.

Orthomolecular medical researchers say the future of psychiatry is in nutrition because nutrition has such a long, safe and effective history of correcting many mental problems. Nutrients such as the B-vitamins are most successful when taken regularly, taken in relatively high doses, and taken in conjunction with vitamin C, the essential fatty acids (EFA’s), and the minerals magnesium and selenium.

A summary of what has worked for many people follows below. The safety of vitamins and minerals is extraordinary, and the expense of trying them is much less than the cost of hazardous pharmaceutical drugs. These nutrients can be purchased in a discount or heath store.

Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3 three times a day often cures mild to moderate depression. Dramatic results are often achieved within one week of beginning this nutritional program, especially in alcoholics. (1)

Sometimes a simple deficiency of vitamin D causes depression. 3,000 I.U./day from all sources can alleviate the problem. (2) 3,000 mg/day or more of niacin (vitamin B-3), along with the same quantity of vitamin C, taken in divided doses throughout the day can successfully treat both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (3)

Vitamins B-3, B-6, C and the minerals magnesium and zinc frequently produce a good response in ADHD and autistic children. (4)

Vitamins B-6, folate, and B-12 taken together lower elevated homocysteine levels in the elderly while improving mental function. (5)

As pointed out by chemistry professor and vitamin discoverer Roger J. Williams, PhD (6), each individual has different nutritional needs and responds differently to nutrients. Are you tired of being depressed, suffering from anxiety, paying huge prescription drug bills for unsafe prescriptions that don’t solve the problem or produce undesirable side effects? Are you tired of the piece-meal trial and error approach to finding a solution to your mental or emotional problems? If so, adults should consider the following nutritional protocol, which will bathe your brain and nerves in natural nutrients and may well produce dramatic results. The cost of trying the program below is less than the cost of a typical doctor’s office visit. It is safe and convenient. All of these nutrients can be purchased at large discount stores.

After the morning meal take:

A multivitamin tablet
1,000 mg of vitamin B-3 (as niacinamide or inositol hexanicotinate)
One B-complex tablet
100 mg of vitamin B-6
1,200 mcg of vitamin B-9 (folate or folic acid)
1,000-2,000 IU of vitamin D (the lower number if you get sunshine, the higher number if you don’t)
1,000 mg of vitamin C [Jini Says: use Vit. C in mineral ascorbate form - NOT ascorbic acid - if you are prone to diarrhea]
200 mg of magnesium [Jini Says: use nanoparticle magnesium if you are prone to diarrhea]
50 mg of zinc
200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium

30 grams of soy protein powder and one tablespoon of lecithin granules mixed into a small glass of juice or milk [Jini Says: Never use soy; it depresses thyroid function and inhibits mineral absorption. Use whey protein isolate or hemp protein instead. Also use only raw (unpasteurized) milk.]

A supplement of omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA))

After the midday meal:

1,000 mg of vitamin B-3
1,200 mg of vitamin folate
100 mg of vitamin B-6
One B-complex tablet 1,000 mg of vitamin C [Jini Says: use Vit. C in mineral ascorbate form - NOT ascorbic acid - if you are prone to diarrhea]
200 mg of magnesium [Jini Says: use nanoparticle magnesium if you are prone to diarrhea]

After the evening meal:

A multivitamin tablet
1,000 mg of vitamin B-3
1,000 mg of vitamin C [Jini Says: use Vit. C in mineral ascorbate form - NOT ascorbic acid - if you are prone to diarrhea] 
One B-complex tablet
100 mg of vitamin B-6

All of the above supplements are safe in the recommended amounts, as well as inexpensive and convenient. There is not even one death per year from vitamins. Pharmaceutical drugs, properly prescribed and taken as directed, kill over 100,000 Americans annually. Hospital errors kill still more.

Restoring health must be done nutritionally, not pharmacologically. All cells in all persons are made exclusively from what we drink and eat. Not one cell is made out of drugs.

The most common mistake made by people who take vitamins is they fail to take enough vitamins.

The reason one nutrient can cure so many different illnesses is because a deficiency of one nutrient can cause many different illnesses.
What is Orthomolecular Medicine?

Linus Pauling defined orthomolecular medicine as the treatment of disease by the provision of the optimum molecular environment, especially the optimum concentrations of substances normally present in the human body. Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

References for further reading:

1. Hoffer A. Vitamin B-3: Niacin and its amide. Also: Cheraskin E, Ringsdorf WM and Brecher A. Psychodietetics. Bantam Books, 1974.

2. Vieth R, Kimball S, Hu A, Walfish PG. Randomized comparison of the effects of the vitamin D3 adequate intake versus 100 mcg (4000 IU) per day on biochemical responses and the wellbeing of patients. Nutr J. 2004 Jul 19;3:8.

3. Hoffer A. Healing schizophrenia: Complementary vitamin & drug treatments. Toronto: CCNM Press, 2004. Also: Hawkins D and Pauling L. Orthomolecular psychiatry, San Francisco: Freeman, 1973. Also: Hoffer A. Niacin therapy in psychiatry, Charles C. Thomas, 1962.

4. Hoffer A. Healing children’s attention and behavior disorders: Complementary nutritional & psychological treatments. Toronto: CCNM Press, 2004. Also: Hoffer A. Dr. Hoffer’s ABC of natural nutrition for children. Kingston, Ontario: Quarry Press, 1999.

5. Selhub J, Jacques PF, Wilson PWF, Rush D, Rosenberg IH. Vitamin status and intake as primary determinants of homocysteinemia in an elderly population. JAMA 1993. 270:2693-2698. Also: Verhoef P, Meleady R, Daly LE, Graham IM, Robinson K, Boers GHJ, et al. Homocysteine, vitamin status and risk of vascular disease. European Heart Journal 1999. 20:1234-1244.

Again, to find out which brand and formulation of vitamins and minerals I recommend for people with IBD & IBS and why, see my Holistic Health Shoppe. You don’t need to buy them from here – you can just use it as a resource to copy down the product names and then get your local health store to order them in for you.

(c) Jini Patel Thompson. You can copy or distribute this article as long as you include the author's name and this bio: Jini Patel Thompson's books on natural healing for digestive diseases have sold in over 40 different countries. Her health articles have been published in journals and magazines in the U.S., Australia and U.K.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are you happy with your doctor? What qualities make up a "good dr" in your opinion??

It's so true that if one thing is out of whack in your body, it can throw off all your  healthy systems from functioning properly.  When we are diagnosed with a condition, any condition, we need to look into if/how the illness might effect other parts of our body.  So, what i'm saying is we basically need to treat the whole body rather than just that specific condition/issue at hand, because that "issue" may have had a negative effect on some other area of the body.  So many medical issues slip through the cracks because of carelessness? Laziness? I really don't know how & why this happens ... Something as simple as neglecting to order a blood panel for a patient to rule out any possible deficiencies for instance, could greatly impact ones health and negatively impact ones quality of life, if there is some other problem that is not identified.  
I think that it's our PCP's responsibility to know which tests are periodically necessary to ensure good health for their patient.  I know that as a Crohn's Disease sufferer, my iron levels need to be monitored every few months to be sure that I'm not anemic.  The 1st time I experienced anemia, and by the time my doctor pointed out that I needed some red blood cells........ & PRONTO, was when my levels were so off and I was terribly sick.  Funny thing though, is that all along in the blood panels that my doctor ordered, it shows a gradual drop in my hemoglobin level, red blood cell level that should have been  addressed and treated.  I didn't have to get as sick as I did if my dr. would have noticed the slow decline in specific areas on my blood work report.  
To give you a little glimpse of what it's like to be severely anemic..... Basically, I could hardly make it up a flight of stairs without getting winded because I lacked that much oxygen in my blood.  My heart had to pump so much harder to get the required amount of oxygen to my brain because I had so few red blood cells.  I think about it now and wonder how in the world I never passed out.  I remember how exhausted I felt ALL the time and the numerous hours of sleep that I required, to only wake up and feel as though I hadn't slept at all.  I now know what anemia feels like and can identify it before it gets to a critical point.  
This experience along with many other little slips in the cracks that I have experienced over the years with doctors i've seen, definitely has contributed to my proactive mind set and the need to do "homework" about my disease.  In other words, I probably know more than the doctor does about my condition and treatment options available. Trust no one with your body, health and life.  In the end, we are the ones truly responsible for the care that we receive.  
Ask questions, research the medicine your doctor has prescribed for you, take note of the times you have called your doctor and they never returned your call. How are you treated by the nursing staff- especially over the phone, Does the doctor have time for your appointment or do you feel rushed and like just a number?  How do you feel when you walk out of an appointment with your doctor?... did you feel confident that the doc has your best interest in mind and that he heard your concerns.... or did he brush off your issue and fail to give you clarity? did he answer the question you asked or did you never ask that question because you forget the questions you wanted to ask all together? ......... *tip*  Make a list and don't forget to bring it to your next appointment. Have a notebook for just your medical symptoms, progress, & ???'s.  Everytime a question pops in your mind, write it down.  Trust me, you wont remember them all if you don't make a note of them.
 I'm all about being involved in the decisions regarding my treatment plan and if I have my knowledge, by researching, and I don't feel at ease with that particular treatment for whatever reason it may be, I have no hesitations with refusing it.  Over the years i've become bolder and express my concerns openly.  Plus, It's my right as a patient to accept or deny the doctors' recommendations.  If you're anything like me and do refuse or question the treatment the doc suggested or just don't go with the flow like they want (you dont just lay back & let them do whatever they want with you) you will most likely be labeled as "difficult", "hard to manage", "non-compliant", ect... You get my point.   That's fine, let them call you whatever they want.  At least you will have peace of mind when you walk out of that building, knowing that the overall decision you made, is the right decison for you.
Be proactive and if you find that you are not satisfied with the care your doctor provides, move on and find a doctor that will fulfill your expectations of a "good doctor". They are a dime a dozen, but if you search, you will eventually find.  
Don't settle for the mediocre.. You deserve more!

Ahhhhhhhh!!! I HAVE Crohn's Disease!!: Your Gut's Digestion Process - Is it increasing yo...

Ahhhhhhhh!!! I HAVE Crohn's Disease!!: Your Gut's Digestion Process - Is it increasing yo...: "Hmmmmmm. this just makes me think about how all our organs are connected and the health and state of functioning of one organ, will impact..."

Your Gut's Digestion Process - Is it increasing your risk of CardioVascular Disease?

Hmmmmmm.  this just makes me think about how all our organs are connected and the health and state of functioning of one organ, will impact the working of another.  Just the way a machine would work.

Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD, and Zeneng Wang, PhD,Cell Biology, and colleagues at the Lerner Research Institute have discovered a new pathway that links a common dietary lipid and gut flora (microbes that reside in intestines) to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This research was published in the April 8, 2011, issue of Nature.
Aside from genetic factors that increase a person's risk of CVD,environmental factors can also influence the disease. Familiar environmental factors include a diet rich in triglycerides and sterols (ex. cholesterol), which are two of the three main types dietary lipids. This current study discovered the importance of the third category of dietary lipids called "phospholipids" to heart disease.
Dr. Hazen's group looked at the interplay of dietary phospholipid, namely phosphatidyl choline (also called lecithin) and another category of environmental factors called microbes that reside in intestines. These gut flora play a largely beneficial role, promoting digestion and absorption of important nutrients. They do this by breaking down the food we eat into its byproducts, or metabolites. However, this study of over 2000 patients found that blood levels of three metabolites of lecithin (choline, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), and betaine) strongly associated with risk of CVD. Feeding these metabolites to mice also caused atherosclerosis.
Healthy amounts of choline, TMAO, and betaine, are found in many fruits, vegetables, fish, and animal and dairy products. These three metabolites are also commonly marketed as direct-to-consumer supplements, supposedly offering increased brain health, weight loss, and/or muscle growth.
Choline is itself a natural semi-essential vitamin, although Hazen's group shows that when taken to excess, it promotes atherosclerotic heart disease in animal models, and associates with increased CVD risk in humans. "Over the past few years we have seen a huge increase in the addition of choline into multivitamins – even those marketed to our children – yet it is this same substance that our study shows the gut flora can convert into something that has a direct, negative impact on heart disease risk by forming an atherosclerosis-causing by-product," says Dr. Hazen.
"Knowing that gut flora generates a pro-atherosclerotic metabolite from a common dietary lipid opens up new opportunities for improved diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of heart disease, adds Dr. Hazen. "It also appears there is a need for considering the risk versus benefits of some commonly used supplements."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) "suspected as a causative agent in Crohn's disease"

Hmmmmm... interesting.  My friend happened to stumble upon this on Wikipedia when she was reading about milk pasteurization (totally unrelated to Crohn's).  I thought that milk is supposed to do our body good.. Well, that's what they used to say.  And if this is a possible cause of Crohn's disease (because remember no one knows the cause of Crohn's), why are they not doing more research to find out for sure.  
Maybe this explains why children as young as 3 or 4 years old get Crohn's Disease.  The whole time they are sippin on their yummy warm milk in their bottle or sippy cup, they're possibly swallowing some MAP, which is a stubborn, resistant bastard.    That could explain where Crohn's gets it's stubbornness from.  

Just  thought this was something to think about. Feel free to leave opinions  :)

MAP causes Johne's disease in cattle and other ruminants, and it has long been suspected as a causative agent in Crohn's disease in humans;[3] this connection is controversial.[4]
Recent studies have shown that MAP present in milk can survive pasteurization, which has raised human health concerns due to the widespread nature of MAP in modern dairy herds. MAP survival during pasteurization is dependent on the D72C-value of the strains present and their concentration in milk. It is heat resistant and is capable of sequestering itself inside white blood cells, which may contribute to its persistence in milk. It has also been reported to survive chlorination in municipal water supplies.
Even though MAP is hardy, it is slow growing and fastidious, which means it is difficult to culture. Many negative studies for MAP presence in living tissue, food, and water have used culture methods to determine whether the bacteria are present. Due to recent advances in our knowledge of the bacterium, some or all of these studies may need to be re-evaluated on the basis of culture methodology.
MAP infections, like with most mycobacteria, are difficult to treat. It is not susceptible to antituberculosis drugs (which can generally kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis), but can only be treated with a combination of antibioticssuch as rifabutin and a macrolide such as clarithromycin. Treatment regimens can last years.[5][6]

[edit]Crohn's disease

MAP is recognized as a multi-host mycobacterial pathogen with a proven specific ability to initiate and maintain systemic infection and chronic inflammation of the intestine of a range of histopathological types in many animal species, including primates.[7]
On the assumption that MAP is a causative agent in Crohn's disease, the Australian biotechnology company Giaconda is seeking to commercialize a combination of rifabutinclarithromycin, and clofazimine as a potential drug therapy, called Myoconda, for Crohn's. As of April 2007, Giaconda received United States FDA IND approval for a new Phase 2/3 trial.[8]
MAP has been found in larger numbers within the intestines of Crohn's disease patients[9] than those with ulcerative colitis and healthy controls.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Swallowing a PillCam Colon Capsule *Many more benefits than colonoscopy*

How exciting!  A camera pill or colonoscopy?.... Pill/Scope? It's a given what people would choose if given the option.  
Does this mean we don't have to struggle to drink that nasty tasting drink or make a day of sitting on our most used seat (you know what seat I'm talking about).  I've had so many colonoscopies that they don't bother me anymore and the prep isn't even that bad either.  For some people, being scoped is a nightmare and some people actually refuse to have a colonoscopy because of the embarrassment of the whole procedure.  
Well, this PillCamera that is swallowed will make screening a breeze.  I bet more people would agree to the pill method and follow through with the screening.   It's said to be more effective at locating polyps and masses, it's non invasive and there's no need for sedation.  Awesome!! 

(RTTNews) - Given Imaging Ltd. (GIVN:News ) Wednesday reported positive data from the European multicenter study of PillCam COLON 2 confirming that the second-generation PillCam COLON capsule has higher sensitivity for colorectal polyp detection than the first generation technology.
Colon capsule endoscopy is a non-invasive, painless technology that can visualize the colon without sedation orair insufflation, potentially making it an excellent tool for encouraging broader compliance with colorectal cancer screening guidelines.
The study was conducted at eight European sites compared colon capsule endoscopy with conventional colonoscopy for the detection of colorectal polyps or masses greater than or equal to 6 mm in size in a cohort of patients at average or increased risk of colorectal neoplasia.
The goal of the study was to determine the feasibility, accuracy and safety of the upgraded PillCam COLON capsule by comparing it directly with colonoscopy. Per-patient colon capsule endoscopy sensitivity for polyps 6 mm and over and those 10 mm and over was 84 percent and 88 percent, with specificities of 64 percent and 95 percent, respectively.
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by RTT Staff Writer

Abbott Labs -Just read 1st quarter global sales amount w/ Humira & almost puked!

Abbott's Humira is currently approved, either as a single therapy or in a combination, to treat rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis in adults, and a type of juvenile arthritis affecting children. The drug is also approved to treat adults suffering from Crohn's disease, as well as severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Humira is a money spinner for Abbott, with first-quarter global sales improving 17.8 percent to $1.65 billion. Of this, U.S. sales grew 16.2 percent to $630 million.

In another article from RTTNews, Abbott Labs is working on getting Humira approved for Ulcerative Colitis, or UC for short.  The % of people that went into remission isn't very impressive.  It's significant, but barely.

According to the company, of the 248 patients treated with HUMIRA in the study, 16.5 percent achieved clinical remission compared to 9.3 percent on placebo at week 8. At week 52, 17.3 percent achieved clinical remission compared to 8.5 percent on placebo. These results were statistically significant compared to placebo.
HUMIRA is not approved for the treatment of UC. Abbott recently submitted applications to both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency seeking approval to market HUMIRA for the treatment of moderate to severe UC.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Surfer,Brittani Nicholl=The face of National Advertising Campaign for Crohn's & Colitis Australia

A TWEED surfer is part of a national campaign to increase awareness of a disease affecting 61,000 Australians.

Surfer and crohn's disease sufferer Brittani Nicholl, 20, is the face of a national advertising campaign for Crohn's and Colitis Australia aimed at increasing awareness about the disease.

Brittani made a name for herself as a surfer but took time out from surfing to make the trip to Melbourne to film the advertisement.

“It did interrupt the surfing,” Ms Nicholl said.

“I usually go out on the water every afternoon after work,” she said.

Ms Nicholl said the campaign was important to help support the 61,000 sufferers of the disease by increasing community awareness.

“It's a type of inflammatory bowel disease and it can affect from the mouth to the anus, but it usually affects the colon,” she said.

“The body can't tell the difference between foreign materials and the normal body tissue.

“It's basically an overactive immune response and can cause inflammation, fever as well as diarrhoea and constipation.”

Brittani was diagnosed with the disease when she was seven-years-old. “I started surfing at the age of 11, but I got real sick,” Ms Nicholl said.

“I was determined to get back in the water and give it another go,” she said.

“When I get in the water I forget about everything else, about the illness.”

The community service advertisement will appear on commercial television stations throughout National Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month in May.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

IBS - More common among women than men

Dr Parul R Sheth
Posted On Monday, May 02, 2011   

Rekha Naik, 35 years old is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for the past ten years. “I have been having digestive problems for so long; almost life-long! Every time I eat, I get heartburn, abdominal distension and cramps. I am so tired and I feel miserable,” states Rekha. Like Rekha there are many people who may be inflicted with IBS. For some the signs and symptoms of IBS may be mild but could be disabling for others.
According to Dr OP Kapoor, Hon Visiting Physician, Jaslok Hospital and Bombay Hospital, Mumbai and Dr Sharad Shah, Hon Gastroenterologist, Sir HN Hospital, Mumbai, IBS when properly diagnosed affects 15-20% of our population and people with IBS form nearly 50% of the cases seen in gastrointestinal clinics all over the world.
The good part is that even though the effects of IBS are uncomfortable and can be hard to live with, the disorder will not permanently harm the intestines or lead to a more-serious disease as reported by The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, US.
More common in women
According to the National Institutes of Health, IBS is two times more common in women than in men and people with IBS seem to have colons that are more sensitive and reactive than usual, so they respond to triggers that would not bother most people. Genetics and heredity plays a role. You may be at a higher risk of IBS if it runs in the family although you cannot predict whether a child of an affected parent will develop the disease. But the chances are about one in twenty that a blood relative also has IBS; either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
For many women IBS worsens during or around the menstrual period suggesting the role of hormonal changes in causing IBS. A research team from London and Japan led by Professor Qasim Aziz, of the Wingate Institute for Neurogastroenterology, Queen Mary University of London found that women have more intense responses to pain of chronic conditions such as IBS than men.
Dr Philip Abraham, consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist, PD Hinduja National Hospital, Professor, Department of gastroenterology, KEM Hospital, Mumbai puts up his views that there is a notable difference in India; it occurs more frequently in men as compared to women, which is the opposite of what is reported from elsewhere in the world. This may be either because men are truly more commonly affected or that they report to doctors with a lower threshold.
Signs of IBS
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Diarrhoea or constipation, at times alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhoea
  • Gas, flatulence, a bloated feeling
  • Mucus in the stool
What happens and why?Wrong diet habits, certain foods, medications, anxiety, overwork and stress - all can trigger IBS. Up to 40% of people with IBS may have lactose intolerance; inability to digest the sugars found in milk and milk products. Sometimes other illnesses, such as an acute gastroenteritis can act as a trigger. A weak immune system may be responsible in triggering IBS.
The causes of IBS are not known. It affects the large intestine or colon causing irregular bowel movements. The walls of the intestines are lined with muscle layers. As the food that you eat moves from your stomach to the intestines and into your rectum, these muscles contract and relax in co-ordination.  With IBS the muscle contractions become stronger and last longer than normal causing the food to be forced through your intestines more quickly resulting in gas, bloating and diarrhoea.
At times with IBS, the opposite occurs when the food passage slows, stools become hard and dry giving rise to constipation. Problems with your nervous system or colon also may make you experience more discomfort.